
Mercedes Benz World

Location‭ : ‬Brooklands‭, ‬UK

Client‭ : ‬Daimler Chrysler

Design‭ | ‬Delivery Architect‭ : ‬Aukett Swanke

Size‭ : ‬18,500‭ ‬sqm

This Heritage and Technology Centre for Mercedes Benz is a celebration and showcase for this legendary car manufacturer. The building is sited next to the Brooklands Museum and the historic motor racing circuit and contains display galleries, visitor education and of course sales.

Mercedes Benz World

Location : Brooklands, UK
Client : Daimler Chrysler
Design | Delivery Architect : Aukett Swanke
Size : 18,500 sqm

This Heritage and Technology Centre for Mercedes Benz is a celebration and showcase for this legendary car manufacturer. The building is sited next to the Brooklands Museum and the historic motor racing circuit and contains display galleries, visitor education and of course sales.