
Google Europe

Location‭ : ‬Prague‭, ‬Czech Republic

Client‭ : ‬Google

Interior Design‭ | ‬Delivery Architect‭ : ‬Aukett Swanke

Size‭ : ‬1,200‭ ‬sqm

Our demanding enlightened and design conscious client is passionate about their working environment. Staff facilities are generous- including a canteen serving meals from breakfast until dinner, a games room and a fitness room. The ratio of workplace areas to other areas is almost 1:1.

Google Europe

Location : Prague, Czech Republic
Client : Google
Interior Design | Delivery Architect : Aukett Swanke
Size : 1,200 sqm

Our demanding enlightened and design conscious client is passionate about their working environment. Staff facilities are generous- including a canteen serving meals from breakfast until dinner, a games room and a fitness room. The ratio of workplace areas to other areas is almost 1:1.